RIP Amp Radio

I know I speak for everyone who’s ever listened to MUYA, or worked with/on the MUYA board, that we are extremely saddened to learn that Amp has drawn its shutters at the end of October, 2023.When I, Raretodd, first pressed the GO LIVE button on the Amp app on June 6, 2022, I knew I was in for a hell of an audio adventure, and I was not wrong. I’ve met so many amazing people on this platform, a great deal of them listed in the THANKS section below, with whom I’ll have deep, long-lasting friendships.I recently hosted a remembrance/tribute show for our beloved fellow Amp creator, Eric Krueger (@ekrueger)—rest in power! On that show I shared how Eric had said of Amp that he had found “his place,” “his people” here. Truer words have not been spoken. This was OUR place, OUR people.We at MUYA want to thank all of you for being a part of something extraordinarily special. The memories we’ve created on Amp we will always cherish. While there are other radio platforms out there, there will never be another Amp.That being said, there are plans churning now in the minds of the members of the MUYA board to bring some iteration of the marathon to another social radio platform. As soon as these plans are concrete, I will post the information here. Stay tuned.When the news of Amp shutting down broke, @trashtheplace said it best on his show that afternoon that, “Metal is not something you get involved with when you’re young and then grow out of. It’s a life-long commitment.” So, no matter where the Amp metal community ends up, we’re in it for the long haul. That’s a promise.Thanks very much, everyone, for your support and dedication to MUYA. If you haven’t already, please keep in touch on the Metal Alliance Discord—link below. This isn’t the end.Get in the pit!!!!- MUYA crew. October 6, 2023Thank you to everyone who tuned in to @ekrueger's tribute show on Sunday, October 1, 2023.Rest in Power Eric Krueger!



The inspiration for the first MUYA came from when @andyarmcandy did a 24-hour marathon
on his own, playing some of his favorite music
for 24 hours on November 17, 2022.
Gray Munster, @jruiz2112, was the first to suggest that we organize an all-metal 24-hour marathon on Amp Radio. @ekrueger was the Amp Creator to come up with the name
"Metal Up Your AMP."
Soon thereafter, MUYA was born!

Subsequently, many other AMP marathons have taken place on the Amp platform, including: Pass the Amp, LUYA - Latin Up Your Amp, 24 Hours of Faith on Amp, Cinematically Yours, Electronic Takover on Amp, Summer Freak Fest, Dance Your Amp Off, and many more!

The MUYA Board

After just a couple MUYA marathons, the original founders of MUYA began to realize that this MUYA metal monster was morphing into something that would need some structure (or at least a chain leash!) to keep it under control.

On February 9, 2023 @jruiz2112, @devil_lovers, @raretodd, @ekruger (RIP), and @rockmetalnation assembled and formed The MUYA Board, a.k.a. MUYA Inc.!

After outside obligations forced @rockmetalnation and @ekrueger to retire from the MUYA Board, @oldhead.tx and @superkitty graciously volunteered to step up and join the Board.

Unfortunately, @oldhead.tx, has had to step down from the MUYA Board due to other obligations. We want to thank Oldhead for his excellent dedication to MUYA, and we wish him the best in his further endeavors. Catch Oldhead on YouTube!!!

Mission Statement

The definition of what is metal exactly can be different for every listener and creator. Metal can be hard and fast. Metal can be slow and pounding. Metal can sometimes be brutal or even tender.
Metal can take many forms. It's a shame if one declares that such-and-such band isn't metal and that only another such-and-such band is metal.

This behavior goes against MUYA principles. We welcome all interpretations of metal--be they hair, death, glam, grindcore, speed, etc. All metal sub-genres are welcome on MUYA. Having said that, MUYA is a METAL marathon after all, so use your best judgement in selecting songs for your playlist as a MUYA DJ. For example, Raretodd might think that Ethel Merman is metal, but he would be mistaken.

Here are some helpful Tips from DJClockwork (MUYA 8.0 Commander) for new MUYA DJs:
1) Try to support as many shows as possible even if it’s just a quick pop in wave/heart. We know you have to sleep and maybe one or two of us have something resembling a life that gets in the way sometimes, but do the best you can. Support makes MUYA possible.

2) Please try to make the show before your set – at least at the end. It helps the DJ know that the next person is actually there and ready to go. People have dropped the ball in the past. So, it’s really helpful that we know that you are ready and on deck.

3) Start your set on time. If you’re late, someone’s going to pick up the ball. It’s supposed to be continuous metal. Don’t be the dead air guy/gal.

4) Don’t be a dick and bash other people’s sets. Not everything everyone plays may be “technically” metal or to your liking. People do the best they can. Exceptions, of course, are for people who are in on your joke or you routinely give each other crap and they’re cool with it OR anyone who plays Limp Bizkit. I’m pretty sure making fun of Fred Durst is always allowed.

5) Have fun! Yes, that’s an order from your MUYA 8.0 Commander. Have fun, damnit! Else the beatings will continue until morale improves.

Past MUYA Posters

(If you have any past fliers, banners or other media about MUYA, send them to us please! We'll add them to the collection here!)


Special Thanks to everyone who has helped out with, participated in, made fliers for, schlepped equipment for, or listened to Metal Up Your Amp.We are eternally grateful to those who have made this possible (not a complete list):
@sledgemacen - Sledgehammer!
@momentofmetal - Finance Extraordinaire!
@lukearce - Luke!
@royleereynolds - Killer Comic!
@atomramsey - Atom Bomb!
@leslea - Witchy Wednesday girl!
@phillytobk - Philly!!!
@andyarmcandy -OG Marathoner!
@larryk - Larry Dude!
@clairereilly - Claire Bear!
@rockstarrand - Chicken Sushi Man!
@totallytaber - Jess!!!
@sanguine - Hexcraft Master!
@jackslater4 - Metal Messenger!
@dj_scene_queen - Queenie!!!
@sofiahiannon - Sof!!!
@marisamendelson - Upbeat gal!!!
@maddgoose - Goose!!!
@cmpiv - Horns up!!!
angelbug - The Bug!!!
@djuseless - Useless!!!
@danjustthinking - Dan the Man!!!
@moonshinesorcry - Glowing brightly!
@jadira - No genre off limits!
@medusavamp - Medusa!!!
@n7paragon - N7!!!
@og1 - The Old Guy!
@ninalmesser - Nina!!!
@viceroyvicc - Vicc!!!
@esh - The Esh Man!!!
@fredster - Fred Man!!!
@virtualmente - Mast of Patches!
@shakeybakey49 - Watch for nukes!!! @blackskvll - Miss you, girl!
@moonlight_99 - Moonlight!!!
@thepromethean00 - Luis!!!
@zachblaine - Zach!!!!
@alien - The One and Only!!!
@attosa - 2za!!!
@artistredcat - Red Cat!!!
@sharkqueen - Shhhhhark!!!
@seanmo - Big Sean!!!
@squishymoore - Squishy!!!
@hooligan_1979 - Hooli, the AMP Yeti!
@analogsmile - Sherry!!!
@trashtheplace - Trivia Master!
@nahzfura2 - The Nahz!!!
@maxdavallo - Max!!! Got the munchies!
@brianmesser - Brian!!!
@gramoofabits - Gramooooofabits!
@warez - Step in or get tossed!
@djclockwork - Clockwork!!!
@leo89hk - Leeeeeoooo!
@vinylguru666 - Guru a Go-Go!!!
@dreamwarrior - Dream!!!
@gen_x - Random Vibes!
@bcooper - Coop!
@catchitorecords - Ash!!!
@umuerto - Humberto!!!
@unholymikey - Master of Emojis!
@punkfloyd4eyes - Punk!!!
@pokershadow - The Shadow knows!
@ozzmosis - Be Away, Break Away!
@turd_burglar - Phantom!!!
@rockmetalnation - Rock!!!
@aaronsradioshow - Aaron!!!
and YOU, the listener!And many many more!

Theme Song

Lyrics by Raretodd
Music by Jay Dee Rothmeyer
Now available in the Amp library!
- - -
Light the fuse!
The speakers blow!
MUYA on Amp
Is the name of the show!
Metal up your Amp
for 24 hours!
Metal up your Amp
for 24 hours!
Metal up your Amp
Metal up your Amp
Metal up your Amp
All of the metal
You could possibly take
Thrash, death, black...
Or just wake n bake!
Metal up your Amp
for 24 hours!
Metal up your Amp
for 24 hours!
Metal up your Amp
Metal up your Amp
Metal up your Amp
All your favorite Ampers
Together amass!
Their twisted goal
Is to kick your metal ass!
MUYA will crush your ears!
MUYA! Let's get some beers!
MUYA will be showcased!
MUYA will melt your face!
MUYA! It's clearly plain!
MUYA will wreck your brain!
Metal on all day and night!
MUYA will start a fight!
Crank it up. Don't stop at ten!
MUYA! Mayhem begins!
Eardrums start to split!
Get in the chat! Get in the pit!
Metal up your Amp!
Get in the pit!!!!!

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